We currently are not running schools at Marketplace Ministries in Totnes, as we have in the past. Our one building is used to deliver services to the homeless and those in need during the week and our other building hosts our Wellness Hub which helps generate the income for our community projects.
We are however, still accepting invitations to teach these schools elsewhere in the UK and internationally. Please contact us if you would like to have a team come to your city.
Restoring Your Identity
(This can be run as a 2, 3,4 or 5 day School)
This is a foundational school looking at our personal issues in our hearts, minds and lives. We invite Holy Spirit to show us where there has been a distortion of our identity, and make space for Jesus to heal and restore.
The only way we will fulfil the call of God on our lives is by the restoration of our identity. This School will bring healing to the soul so our identity will be restored and character changed, enabling us to move forward into our destiny.
It takes a full 5 days to cover all the material.
It is from the place of restored identity that we can step into intimacy with the Father's Heart. This helps us function from a place of rest and knowing we are loved, instead of operating from a place of striving and trying to be loved.
Preparing For Destiny
(This can be run as a 3,4 or 5 day School)
Preparing for Destiny is a foundational school focused on moving to deeper place of intimacy with the members of the Godhead. Through teaching and activation we offer time aside to learn to hear His voice clearly and allow him to prepare and equip us for the next season of our walk with Him. If you are ready for change or acceleration in your Spiritual journey this is the place to be.
(This can be run as a 2-day school)
Thrive is one of our foundational schools focused around how to walk more fully in all the Lord intended for each one of us. You will be given tools to help you move out of the place of being under attack from the enemy to more fully embrace a life led by the Spirit and not the soul. It aims to provide a framework within which we can move from the place of merely surviving into the place of thriving in the Kingdom.
School of Intimacy
(This can be run as a 3, 4 or 5 day School)
This school is a time to revel and soak in the love and embrace of the Father. We allow Him to expand our hearts to beat with His heartbeat. We enjoy the peace and tranquility of Holy Spirit and make space to enjoy Jesus as our Bridegroom in the intimacy of that relationship.
From the place of revelation of the Father's love we can start to function as a son.
Hearing His Voice Clearly
(This can be run as a 2 or 3 day School)
Here we take time to focus on hearing His voice, and learn how to distinguish His voice from the voice of our soul. We create a space to allow the clarity of Heaven to become part of your daily revelation.
Once we can hear His voice, we can begin to align with what He is saying.
School of Prophetic Living
(This can be run as a 2 or 3 day School)
In this school we learn how to wait on God for revelation for our life, and how to align ourselves with that revelation in order to be released into our destiny.
School of the Supernatural
(This can be run as a 3,4 or 5 day School)
This school covers living from the supernatural realm, rather than from the natural realm. Ephesians tells us we are seated with Christ in heavenly realms. It is from that seat that we are able to access the supernatural realm. We understand that the realm of the Spirit is the primary realm and should be the realm where we live. We access this though soaking and waiting on the Lord, as well as through prophetic worship.
In this School you will learn to engage God with your spirit, rather than with your intellect. God is not something to understand, He is Someone to know. We can see in Revelation 4 that John had encounters where he was invited into heaven to access the revelation of the Father. We, as sons, now have free access to the Heavenly realms because Jesus tore the veil through His death. In these end times, we need the Father's revelation more than ever for the lost and the broken in order to establish "on earth as it is in heaven".
Below are some of the topics that may be covered.
Moving out of the Attack Zone
Dividing Soul and Spirit
Prophetic Realm
Accessing the Heavenly Reams
The Angelic Realm
The Realms of Glory
Once we're able to hear His voice and we have an understanding of the Supernatural Realms, we can begin to administrate in the Heavens.
Administrating in the Heavens
(This can be run as a 2 or 3 day School)
This school covers engaging the Courts of Heaven and administrating in the Heavens in order to establish governmental authority and bring Heaven to earth.
Prophetic Evangelism Training
(This can be run as a 1 or 2 day School)
We train and equip on Prophetic Evangelism with teaching and activation in the following:
Encounter Evangelism
Treasure Hunting
Prophetic on the Streets
Healing on the Streets
If you have a heart for the lost but you're not sure where to start, this training is for you. It is designed to meet you right where you are, and to release a strategy to help you move forward.
If you are someone who is already out on the streets but you want even more, this is for you. We are able to facilitate various levels of evangelism to take you from where you are and release you into the next step.