Moved from Inner Healing videos don't work don't want to lose the video Testimony
"Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength they will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not be weary; they will walk and not faint."
- Isaiah 40:31
Make yourself comfortable, and ensure you are in a safe place so you can be vulnerable with the Lord.
Set your affection on Jesus. Thank Him for the cross and all that He accomplished for you through it. Allow Him to bring to mind those things that offend Him, and confess those in your longing to be close to Him. |
Let worship rise up inside you and give yourself to the Lord. If you become distracted, re-focus on Jesus. It may help you to use soaking CDs to keep you focused.
Yes you can! If we ask for bread He will not give us a stone (Matt 7:9 & Luke 11:11-13). When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. When He is near, we are safe!
The key is faith. Everything we receive from God we receive by faith. Faith must be positive and focused on God, not negative and fearful, focused on the enemy.
After a while, you will become aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence. People experience Him in many ways: a weight upon your body, a sensing He is near, a tingling feeling in your body, your hands or face, or a warm sensation of love going through your heart which connects you to Him. Some people have no sensation to begin with - they have to access this through faith, and the feeling comes later.
People can sometimes become quite emotional during soaking. God may want to touch deep places in your heart. Often, there are areas of past wounding where we are reluctant to go. That is often the very place that the Lord wants you to revisit so that He can bring freedom and healing so as to restore your identity.