Identity Therapy is a therapy we offer, working with Holy Spirit to see what inner wounds have impacted your identity and robbed you of being who you are called to be and walking you through the process of pulling out the root and making space for Jesus to heal the wounds and reset your identity
Timeline Therapy is a therapy that works with the Godhead allowing them to travel back along your personal timeline and where necessary, that of your generations, in order to bring healing by taking off your bloodline all the enemy put on due to ungodly decisions.
Integration Therapy is a therapy which allows the Godhead to heal the traumas in your life which caused you to self-protect by fragmenting a part of you and leaving it stuck in time. Those parts are identified, healed and reintegrated into the adult you.
Healing with frequencies
Colour, Sound & Oil Therapy We offer sessions using sound, colour and oils in varying combinations as Holy Spirit directs us for your sessions. Colour, Sound and Oils all carry frequencies that can aid to reset frequencies in our bodies to bring healing. Sound releases mysteries of healing, restoration and revelation, as mentioned in Rev 10:7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished.
As background Colour is one of the languages of heaven. We can recognise this by how colour can effect our moods and emotions. Colour can speak into our being and bypass our head. On top of that colour and sound are closely related as they are both frequencies.
As a colour vibration slows down, it becomes a sound. Every colour has a sound and every sound has a colour. The particle example of this can be seen in a storm. First one sees the flash of lightening and then, a little while later, when the light vibration slows down, we hear the thunder clap.
Job 34:7 He thunders with the voice of His majesty, and He does not restrain His lightning when His voice is heard.
The bible is full of references where sound releases and changes things. Sound releases mysteries of healing, restoration and revelation, as mentioned below:
Rev 10:7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished.
Using colour and sound as lead by Holy Spirit, we will facilitate a space of healing and restoration for your body, soul and mind.
Healing Oils & Gem Stones of the Bible Using top grade therapeutic Oils of the Bible and Gems stones of the bible, following the lead of the Holy Spirit to minister to your body, soul and spirit.
Cleansing the Gateways Therapy session will clear and remove blockages from the 7 entry gateways to the mind, body and soul. Using a combination of gem stones and oils from the bible, sound therapy and light, depending on what is necessary, we will follow the Holy Spirits lead to minister to you.
Peace & Tranquillity Therapy is a therapy that recognises Jesus as the prince of peace. In these sessions we will facilitate a space for Jesus to meet with you and release to you a deep sense of peace and tranquillity
DURATION OF EACH SESSION: Each session will last between 50-60 minutes.